Welcome to Dolce’s documentation!


The aim of the Dolce package is to provide a higher level, musically more expressive and abstract set of routines. It is meant to make expressing algorithmic music more intuitive and easy, by taking care of low-level MIDI implementation so that the composer can focus on his composition rather than following midi messages. This package is a work-in-progress and in active development. Your feedback is very welcome! :-)


Run the command

pip install dolce

to install Dolce from Pypi.

Quick Start

First things first: importing and initializing the module

>>> import dolce

>>> dolce.realtime.init()

Now we can create a single note. I call this note c4:

>>> c4 = dolce.note("c4")

and put it in a list and send it to the processor to play it:

>>> dolce.proc([c4])

If your midi sequenceris setup and running, you should have heared a beautiful C4 note now!

Let us now define a second note with the key number 72, and specify it’s starting time (onset) to be 1 second after the processor starts:

>>> c5 = dolce.note(pch=72, onset=1)
>>> dolce.proc([c4, c5])

You should have heared both notes, played after each other.